Aberdeenshire – Employability Agreements

What can the project offer me or someone I am working with?

Aberdeenshire Employability Agreements Project works with adults over 16, resident in Aberdeenshire. We also offer support to small groups at local accessible community venues. Our services are free, person centred and confidential.

How do I refer myself, a family member or someone I am working with?

You can contact Jacqueline Winton, our local Learning Coordinator, on 07768 917504 or email AberdeenshireEP@lead.org.uk with the contact details of the person you wish to refer. 

How can I volunteer to support this project?

2022: We are not currently looking for volunteers with this project.

We are always looking for more volunteers to support our projects. We have a range of roles that can suit your available time and experience. We can provide training, out of pocket expenses and opportunities to our volunteers which are as fulfilling as they are rewarding. For more information please see our volunteering page. 

Any other questions?

Please call head office on 0131 2289441 or email enquiries@lead.org.uk

Lead Scotland’s Aberdeenshire project gratefully receives funding from Aberdeenshire Council.

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