Lead Scotland and Advance HE are working together to explore the range of practices happening across Scotland’s colleges and universities, that contribute to improving disabled students’ experiences and outcomes. We know from our engagement with teaching staff and practitioners that there is a diverse array of approaches and initiatives taking place across the country. However, staff also tell us they want improved networking opportunities to learn about what their colleagues are doing in this area – both within and out with their own institutions.
This research (commissioned by AHE as part of their SFC funded programme), therefore aims to develop a picture of what is happening nationally, across Scotland. We want to hear about the amazing and innovative work you’re doing to support disabled students to access, participate and progress in post-school education, so that we can share it with colleagues across the sector in an easily accessible way. In particular, we want to hear about practices and initiatives that show some evidence of impact and success, even if it’s early indications of success. This will let us evaluate the evidence to allow other institutions to make informed decisions about whether the practice has the potential to be effectively replicated within their own settings.
We are keen to hear from staff in colleges and universities as well as from Student’s Associations and Sparqs. After our initial phase of gathering information, we hope to consult with students involved in your practice, where relevant, to gather their views.
So if you have been involved in developing a particular initiative within your institution that you think has worked really well and has the potential to be replicated, or has useful learning for others, we would love to hear from you. Please see this attachment for further information and the list of research questions.
To take part in the research, please click on the Survey Monkey link here to respond to the questions. Please also feel free to share this with any relevant colleagues.
The survey will remain open until Friday 20th December at 5pm.
If you have any questions about this research then please feel free to get in touch with Rebecca Scarlett by calling 0131 228 9441 or emailing rscarlett@lead.org.uk.
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