National Conference 2014

Lead Scotland’s National Conference 2014

LEADing the way to action. Taking forward achievable actions to help learners
achieve success.


With the recent policy focus around employability, it is essential that learners and job-seekers with additional support needs can access supportive learning and employability support to help them find and keep appropriate employment. The Scottish Government’s refreshed Employability Framework recognises the effect of recent developments on individuals’ employability and individual circumstances, including:

  • the difficult economic conditions;
  • the ongoing effects of welfare reform;
  • the reform of public services and recent spending cuts;
  • the package of measures being introduced through the reform of post-16 education in Scotland.

Many of these developments disproportionately affect people with additional support needs, making it imperative to work towards improving employment outcomes for a group already facing significant barriers to the labour market.

This conference stimulates a conversation during which learning providers, employers, employment support agencies, and other support organisations can work together to support learners with additional support needs throughout their learning journey and transition to employment.

The main aims of the conference are to:

  • encourage and facilitate effective partnership working between the various agencies involved in supporting learners with additional support needs;
  • provide guidance on the roles and responsibilities of these agencies in supporting such learners, and stimulate discussion around the benefits of cross-agency working;
  • showcase and share good practice around meeting the needs of learners and job-seekers with additional support needs;
  • support Lead Scotland to work with our partners to take forward action to specifically address the key issues arising from the conference.


2014 Lead Scotland Conference Agenda

2014 Lead Scotland Conference Report





Please call 0131 228 9441 or email if you would like these in an alternative format.


Welfare Benefits: CPAG

Graduate Employability: Equality Challenge Uni

Supported Transitions: Lead Scotland

Partnership Matters: Scottish Government

Supporting Flexible Learning and Recognition: SCQF

Graduate Employability: Universities Scotland