With the recent policy focus around employability, it is essential that learners and job-seekers with additional support needs can access supportive learning and employability support to help them find and keep appropriate employment. The Scottish Government’s refreshed Employability Framework recognises the effect of recent developments on individuals’ employability and individual circumstances, including:
Many of these developments disproportionately affect people with additional support needs, making it imperative to work towards improving employment outcomes for a group already facing significant barriers to the labour market.
This conference stimulates a conversation during which learning providers, employers, employment support agencies, and other support organisations can work together to support learners with additional support needs throughout their learning journey and transition to employment.
The main aims of the conference are to:
2014 Lead Scotland Conference Agenda
2014 Lead Scotland Conference Report
Welfare Benefits: CPAG
Graduate Employability: Equality Challenge Uni
Supported Transitions: Lead Scotland
Partnership Matters: Scottish Government
Supporting Flexible Learning and Recognition: SCQF
Graduate Employability: Universities Scotland
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