This consultation is part of the wider
Scottish Government consultation on reform of the post-16 learning sector.
It specifically focuses on the Government’s proposals to regionalise colleges by simplifying the way in which they are funded and allocating funding according to the specific needs of each region.
Of particular relevance to disabled learners and carers, the consultation proposes:
- changing the way in which colleges are funded to meet the needs of learners with additional support needs
- making student attendance requirements stricter
- encouraging partner organisations (such as Lead) to become involved in identifying the needs of each region and planning learning provision
- merging colleges, which could have an effect on the courses availalbe at each college campus
If you are a disabled learner or carer, we want to hear your views so we can let the Government know how these proposals might affect you.
You can read the full consultation paper here. You can also read our summary of the consultatation and our response to the consultation (please click on the links on the right-hand side of this page).
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